What we believe

Honesty and transparency

“We act cor­rect­ly and trans­par­ent­ly in every­thing”

Customer Orientation

“We put cus­tomers at the cen­ter of our strat­e­gy and goals”


“We act beyond what we believe”


“We strive relent­less­ly and pur­pose­ful­ly to achieve supe­ri­or qual­i­ty”


Rely­ing on its many expe­ri­ences in the fields of engi­neer­ing and design, Rasa PetroTech Engi­neer­ing Tech­ni­cal Unit is able to exam­ine all aspects of the project from a the­o­ret­i­cal and prac­ti­cal point of view.

Rasa PetroTech, with its exten­sive knowl­edge in unit oper­a­tions, can ensure that the cus­tomer receives max­i­mum ben­e­fits while part­ner­ing with tech­ni­cal know-how sup­pli­ers.

Suc­cess­ful com­ple­tion of designs and spec­i­fi­ca­tions for mul­ti-spe­cial­ty projects is achieved with the avail­abil­i­ty of a full range of engi­neer­ing and design ser­vices. All the design­ers and engi­neers of this col­lec­tion have been select­ed based on their expe­ri­ence and spe­cif­ic knowl­edge of the indus­try.

The pro­cure­ment depart­ment of Rasa PetroTech, rely­ing on the expe­ri­ences gained over the years, effec­tive com­mu­ni­ca­tion with cus­tomers and employ­ers and in coop­er­a­tion with domes­tic and for­eign com­pa­nies, and using the facil­i­ties avail­able in offices abroad, as well as hav­ing suf­fi­cient knowl­edge in the field of under­stand­ing domes­tic and for­eign mar­kets. It has the abil­i­ty to sup­ply all items and equip­ment for oil and gas, petro­chem­i­cal and relat­ed indus­tries.

The main pur­pose of the pro­cure­ment depart­ment is to pro­vide time­ly and qual­i­ty goods and equip­ment and pro­vide after-sales ser­vices for var­i­ous projects of the orga­ni­za­tion and direct­ly for employ­ers.

Rasa PetroTech, in coop­er­a­tion with its part­ner com­pa­nies, has exten­sive equip­ment, knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence in the com­plete field of con­struc­tion and imple­men­ta­tion, devel­op­ment and oper­a­tion of fac­to­ries relat­ed to oil and gas, petro­chem­i­cal and oth­er indus­tri­al projects.

Rasa PetroTech is com­mit­ted and con­fi­dent that all tech­ni­cal-engi­neer­ing mat­ters, sup­ply of equip­ment and sup­plies, con­struc­tion, instal­la­tion and com­mis­sion­ing will be pro­vid­ed accord­ing to the approved sched­ule, accord­ing to the approved stan­dards and in the defined bud­get.

Rasa PetroTech believes that prop­er project man­age­ment should be done in all projects and deliv­er­ables in the project, regard­less of the size and scale of the project.

Rasa PetroTech believes that to be suc­cess­ful, you must know exact­ly what actions have been tak­en and what actions should be tak­en.

Rasa Petro Tech

Rasa PetroTech; dynam­ic, young, agile, rely­ing on expert forces, tech­ni­cal-engi­neer­ing knowl­edge and a series of con­nect­ed com­pa­nies in Eng­land, Chi­na, Hong Kong, Turkey and the UAE, the pos­si­bil­i­ty of obtain­ing rel­e­vant licens­es from Euro­pean and Asian coun­tries, sup­ply­ing the main goods and It has basic indus­tries as well as com­pre­hen­sive sup­ply chain sup­port and after sales ser­vices.

Rasa PetroTech

We strive relentlessly and purposefully to achieve superior quality

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